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Home: Welcome

The Kroekers are Heading to Romania!

Hi Friends and Family, We hope you are doing well! I usually use this space to update you on my parents and their work in Romania and...

November 6, 2023

Hello Friends! It was a very good trip into Ukraine last week without too much trouble at the border crossings... the customs office and...

February 5, 2023

Dear friends and supporters, In just a couple of weeks it will be the one year mark since Russia began it's war in Ukraine. We could not...

December 18, 2022

Dear friends of Romania and Ukraine, Greetings from Canada and Romania! Mom and Dad have been in Canada for a much needed rest and to...

October 15, 2022

Hello friends and supporters, It has been too long since the last update, and a lot has happened since the last one! Reinhard has been...

August 17, 2022

Hi friends and supporters! Thank you for your patience in waiting for an update. With the war raging on in Ukraine, Dad and Mom have been...

July 10, 2022

Hi friends, The war continues on in Ukraine, and it is heavily present in the south and coming closer to the west. Dad has continued with...

June 21, 2022

Hi friends, It has been a while since the last update! Mom and Dad have been faithfully continuing on with their work at the Center and...

May 28, 2022

Hi friends, Here is an update from my Mom to let you all know how things have been going at the Rasa Family Center lately: "This week...

May 15, 2022

Hi Friends, We hope you are all doing well. Dad and a team were able to take in another load to Ukraine this past week. He says, "This...

May 3, 2022

Hi friends, As you know, the Rasa Family Center has been full of people for the past weeks. With the war continuing on and reaching more...

April 21, 2022

Hi Friends, This week Mom was able to join Dad on a delivery trip into Ukraine. Here is an update from her: Tuesday, April 19, 2022...

April 15, 2022

Hi friends, Thank you again for all of your prayers over the last few days! Dad and the guys made it safely to Mykolaiv and back home...

April 3, 2022

Hi Friends, As the war continues on in Ukraine, we are continually so grateful for your prayers and support. You are making a huge impact...

March 25, 2022

This past Wednesday, Reinhard and Terence took a third load of food, necessities, and medical supplies into Reni, Ukraine. Dad says, "The...

March 19, 2022

Hi friends, The Rasa Center has welcomed more families in the last couple of days, and the place is bustling with people! They now have...

March 14, 2022

Hi friends, As time has gone on this past week, the mothers and children have been settling in to the Rasa Center. Another mother with 4...

March 9, 2022

Hi friends, Thank you to all of you who have recently asked to be added to the update list, for those who have been passing these emails...

March 7, 2022

Hi everyone, Thank you to each one of you who have sent encouraging emails, and to those who have been passing on these updates to others...

March 5, 2022

Hi friends, On Thursday night the first refugees arrived at the Rasa Center! At this time there are 14 mothers and children, including a...

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